How Do I Configure the Wireless Home Gateway?
Function Keys
Generate WEP Keys
Configuring Wireless Data Rates and WiFi Thresholds
Use the Setup Wireless - Advanced page to configure your WAP data rates and
wireless fidelity (WiFi) thresholds.
Note: If you are not familiar with the advanced settings detailed in this section,
contact your cable service provider before you attempt to change any of the wireless
home gateway default wireless advanced settings.
Click Advanced in the Wireless section of the Setup page to access the Setup
Wireless - Advanced page.
Automatically generates four WEP keys based on the
PassPhrase entry.
For 64-bit WEP, four unique 64-bit WEP keys will
be generated
For 128-bit WEP, only one 128-bit WEP key will be
generated. The same key will be entered into all
four key locations.
Saves all additions, edits, and changes
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