spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree extend system-id
To enable the extended system ID feature on a chassis that supports 1024 MAC addresses, use the
spanning-tree extend system-id command. To disable the feature, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Enabled on systems that do not provide 1024 MAC addresses.
Command Modes
Global configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Releases 12.1(13)E and later support chassis with 64 or 1024 MAC addresses. For chassis with 64 MAC
addresses, STP uses the extended system ID plus a MAC address to make the bridge ID unique for each
You cannot disable the extended system ID on chassis that support 64 MAC addresses.
Enabling or disabling the extended system ID updates the bridge IDs of all active STP instances, which
might change the spanning-tree topology.
This example shows how to enable the extended system ID:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree extend system-id
Related Commands
show spanning-tree
Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference—Release IOS XE 3.3.0SG and IOS 15.1(1)SG)
spanning-tree extend system-id
no spanning-tree extend system-id
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 4500 series switch.
Chapter 2
Cisco IOS Commands for the Catalyst 4500 Series Switches
Displays spanning-tree information.
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