1 Select Software
2 Software Default
3 Select Install Device
4 Select Boot Devices
5 OK Prompt
6 Multiboot Startup <OFF>
Select Software
If this option is supported by the operating system, the names of the operating system
installed are shown. This option may not be supported by all operating systems.
If you are running AIX, and you receive the following message:
No Operating System Installed
this would mean that information in nonvolatile storage could have been lost, as would
happen if the battery had been removed. To re-create this value, run the bootlist
command under AIX with the appropriate parameters. See the bootlist command in
your AIX documentation.
Software Default
If this option is supported by the operating system, you can select the default operating
system to start the system. This option may not be supported by all operating systems.
Select Install Device
Produces a list of devices, for example the CD-ROM, from which the operating system
may be installed. Select a device, and the system searches the device for an operating
system to install, and if supported by the operating system in that device, the name of
the operating system displays.
S80 and S85 User's Guide