Certify Media
This task allows the selection of diskette or hardfiles to be certified.
Hardfiles can be connected either to a SCSI adapter (non-RAID) or a PCI SCSI RAID
adapter. The usage and criteria for a hardfile connected to a non-RAID SCSI adapter
are different from those for a hardfile connected to a PCI SCSI RAID adapter.
v Certify Diskette
This selection provides a way to verify the data written on a diskette. When this
service aid is selected, a menu asks you to select the type of diskette being verified.
The program then reads all of the ID and data fields on the diskette one time and
displays the total number of bad sectors found.
v Certify Hardfile Attached to a Non-RAID SCSI Adapter
This selection reads all of the ID and data fields. It checks for bad data and counts
all errors encountered. If the unrecovered data errors exceed the threshold value, the
hardfile needs to be formatted and certified. If the recovered data errors, recovered
and unrecovered equipment errors exceed the threshold values, the disk needs to be
This task may be run directly from the AIX command line. The following usage
statement describes the syntax of the command:
Usage: diag -c -d <deviceName> -T "certify"
v Certify Hardfile attached to a PCI SCSI RAID Adapter
This selection is used to certify physical disks attached to a PCI SCSI RAID adapter.
Certify reads the entire disk and checks for recovered errors, unrecovered errors and
reassigned errors. If these errors exceed the threshold values, the user is prompted
to replace the physical disk.
This task may be run directly from the AIX command line. The following usage
statement describes the syntax of the command:
Usage: diag -c -d < RAID adapterName > -T "certify {-l < chID > | -A}"
Change Hardware Vital Product Data
Use this service aid to display the Display/Alter VPD Selection Menu. The menu lists all
resources installed on the system. When a resource is selected a menu is displayed
that lists all the VPD for that resource.
Note: The user cannot alter the VPD for a specific resource unless it is not machine
Physical Disk channel/ID (example: 27)
All disks.
Chapter 6. Introduction to Tasks and Service Aids