Step by step
– Default User - admin
– Password - 31994
Info Tab
Shows general information on the module.
Status Tab
Shows information on the status of the connections:
LAN configuration
Available physical connections
Connections of the ADSL modem.
System Tab
Shows information on the interface:
Password change - changes the access password
Firmware Upgrade - updates the firmware, with an
option to select the "Erase JFFS2 partition" check-
box if you wish to delete the previous settings of the
module when you update.
Network Tab
Shows information on the internal configuration of the
LAN - shows the current configuration and allows
you to change parameters (IP address, Netmask,
Gateway and DHCP Client number).
Hosts - shows the IP addresses and the name of the
Hosts set in the module and also allows you to add
or remove existing hosts.
HiPath - shows the current version of the module
and allows update to V 5.2, V6.0 or V7 .0.
ules are factory configured to version 7 .0, and
may be set to versions 5.2 and 6.0 using the Net-
work -> HiPath tab.
Siemens Admin Console