Configuring the SpeedStream 4100 modem
Step by step
Configuring the SpeedStream
4100 modem
Once you have installed the ADSL access to you provid-
er and the connections to HiPath 1100, you may need to
adjust the parameters of the SADSLIM (HiPath 1120)
and ADSLIM (HiPath 1150/1190) modules of the ADSL
These adjustments can be made by going to their IP
number( - Default) from your Web
browser (Microsoft Internet Ex-
plorer or Netscape Navigator, version 5.0 or higher)
where you must configure the information of the ADSL
and VPI/VCI protocols used by the operator, DNS, user
name and password of the provider.
The ADSL modem used is the Siemens Speed-
Stream 4100. You can consult the configuration
instructions in the manual which you will find in
the Setup and Installation CD.
Administration of the TME1 mod-
Administration of the module TME1 can be made with
E1 CAS access or S2 access. For each access mode
there is a tool for configuring the module:
E1 Trunk Manager E1 CAS access
S2M Maintenance for S2 access.
Hardware Requirements:
– Serial interface communications (COM port).
E1 Trunk Manager
You can use the administration program to:
download software and databases
remove traces
select the software's type of connection to the mod-
ule (local or via modem)
select a COM port
For further details on how to configure a TME1 module
refer to the program's "Help" system