Camera troubleshooting
Camera subsystem
The camera subsystem contains the complete imaging system for the main 3.2 megapixel AF camera.
Key components
• DM299 processor
Controls the 3.2 Mpixel AF main camera (Image capture & Image Quality enhancements)
There is no non-volatile memory (Flash or ROM) for the DM299. Initialisation code is passed
from the RapidoYawe at powerup via the SPI interface. Further application code (self-test, image
capture, video capture) is transferred depending on the usage case.
Video and still image data is passed to the Rapido for display & storage after processing over a CCP bus
• 64Mbit SDRAM
Connected to DM299 for buffering captured image data & code storage.
• Flash LED
Camera flash LED controlled from the DM299 via the TPS61052 TI driver. Driver has GPIO control for STROBE
and I2C bus control for configuring.
• 3.2 Mpixel Camera module.
The camera module is configured by the DM299 using I2C control bus. Includes an EEPROM with calibration
values. Image data is transferred to the DM299 over a CCP balanced bus (HIRES_CCP).
The camera subsystem is powered with discrete regulators (1V3, 1V8, 2V8 and 3V0). 1V3 is created by LP5952
LDO power supply, Vin is connected to 1V8 output. 1V8 is created by LM3677 SMPS power supply, Vin is
connected to VBAT. 2V8 and 3V0 are created by LP3985 LDO regulators, both with Vin connected to VBAT.
These supplies are turned off when the camera is not used with single GPIO controlled by Rapido host. The
LED driver (TPS61052) is supplied by the battery voltage Vbat.
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