Host Adapter Address
Specifies the LAN adapter address of the remote controller (host). This can
be the host adapter card universally administered address (UAA), such as
10005A1E3338, or a locally administered address (LAA), such as
400012345678. You may enter only hexadecimal digits in this field. Blank
spaces are not valid. This entry field accepts only alphanumeric characters
and the "@", "#", and "$" characters. Blank spaces are not valid.
Ethernet Format check box
If the Host Adapter Address that you entered in the Host Adapter Address
field is in Ethernet Format, select this check box. If the Host Adapter
Address field is in Token-Ring Format, do not select this check box.
XID (optional)
(Exchange ID) This is an optional field. If you leave it blank, the XID is
assigned a value of "00000000". If you enter an XID value, it must be
either five or eight hexadecimal bytes. If you enter only five bytes, the
prefix "05D" is used.
Note: XID is optional for APPC and APPC/VTAM hosts. It is not
applicable for TCP/IP hosts.
The Add LAN Host to Library window has the following push buttons:
Adds a LAN-attached host to the 3494 Tape Library using the information
in the Add LAN Host to Library window.
Cancels the Add LAN Host operation and closes the Add LAN Host to
Library window without adding a host.
Provides help about the Add LAN Host to Library window.
If you select APPC/VTAM as the communications protocol, an Add LAN Host to
Library window (Figure 220 on page 342) opens. This allows you to add a
LAN-attached host, such as VSE/ESA, to the 3494 configuration.
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures