For PX4 Model
FreeDOS command prompt
B) Create LSI 1068 SAS for Win2K/Win2K3 32 bit Driver Disk
C) Create LSI 1068 SAS for RHEL AS4.0 UP2 64 bit Driver Disk
D) Create LSI 1068 SAS for RHEL AS4.0 UP2 32 bit Driver Disk
E) Create LSI 1068 SAS for RHEL AS3.0 UP6 64 bit Driver Disk
F ) C r e a t e L S I 1 0 6 8 S A S f o r R H E L A S 3 . 0 U P 6 3 2 b i t D r i v e r D i s k
Broadcom ASF Firmware Update
Flash AMI BIOS for TS300-E4/PX4 system
Write TS300-E4/PX4 FRU
Please choose A TO I:
Place a blank, high-density floppy disk to the floppy disk drive, then select the
type of RAID driver disk you want to create by typing the number before the
Press <Enter>.
Follow screen instructions to create the driver disk.
2000/2003 Server
To create a RAID driver disk in Windows
Restart the system from the hard disk drive, then place the system/
motherboard support CD in the optical drive.
Browse the contents of the support CD to locate the driver disk utility. The
Windows 32-bit OS RAID driver disk for the Intel
located in:
\Drivers\ICH7R Intel RAID\Driver\win32\F6flpy32.exe
The Windows 2003 64-bit OS RAID driver disk for the Intel
Manager is located in:
\Drivers\ICH7R Intel RAID\Driver\win64\F6flpy64.exe
The Windows 32-bit and 64-bit OS RAID driver disk for the LSI Logic
Embedded SATA RAID is located in:
\Drivers\ICH7R LSI RAID\Driver\makedisk\win32_64.exe
The Windows 32-bit OS RAID driver disk for the LSI1068 SAS is located in:
\Drivers\LSI 1068\Driver\makedisk\2k_2k3.exe
The Windows 2003 64-bit OS RAID driver disk for the LSI1068 SAS controller is
located in:
\Drivers\LSI 1068\Driver\makedisk\2k364.exe
Insert a formatted high-density floppy disk to the floppy disk drive.
Follow screen instructions to complete the process.
After creating a RAID driver disk, eject the floppy disk, then write-protect it to
prevent computer virus infection.
2000/2003 Server environment:
Matrix Storage Manager is
Matrix Storage