IBM 43xx
This section describes the generation parameters and restrictions that apply to the
IBM 43xx ICA.
43xx ICA Generation Parameters
The same requirements/considerations that apply to NCP generation parameters
apply to the 43xx ICA generation parameters. The parameters are defined on the
LINE, PU, LU macros associated with the VBUILD TYPE=CA macro that
supports the 3708.
43xx ICA Restrictions
The 43xx ICA does not allow the TERM = TWX parameter to be specified. This
means that applications, such as TSO, which issue an INQUIRE macro to obtain the
characteristics of the downstream device, cannot run in protocol enveloping (L U
type 1 NTO). Applications that do not issue the INQUIRE, such as CICS and IMS,
are able to run LU type 1 NTO mode to the 3708.
IBM 3708 Description