The TC300 thermostat has a 2.4 inch, 320x240 pixel LCD screen for easy navigation
and setup. You can select various options available on the screen by lightly tapping
the option on the screen or scrolling through the list.
The conventions for hand gestures used to navigate through the screens on the
TC300 Thermostat display are:
• Tap: Quickly touch and release to select a control or item; equivalent to a mouse-click.
• Swipe: Quickly slide one or more fingers across the screen to reveal controls or to scroll
through lists or groups of items; equivalent to scroll.
• A green indicator appears before the valid selection
• If the option selected or the text entered is valid, the option to move to the subsequent
screen turns blue. Tapping the option in blue will toggle to next screen.
Figure 1 Hand gestures convention
Swipe right to view or
scroll towards left
Tap to select an item
Swipe down to view
or scroll towards up
Swipe left to view or
scroll towards right
Swipe up to view or
scroll towards down