4. Configure the required setpoint limits for Occupied, Standby, and Unoccupied modes.
Thermostat performs limit checking on all temperature setpoints, in case setpoint
relationships are violated.
• Occupied mode treats the building space as occupied and configured with comfort
• Unoccupied mode treats the building space as not occupied and configured with energy
savings setpoints.
• Standby mode setpoints are configured in a way that target setpoint levels can be
achieved quickly with the onset of the next occupied period.
• Temporary mode allows the user to change the temperature setpoints of the Occupied
mode after the user switches to the temporary mode from the Occupied mode. This is not
possible in Unoccupied mode and Standby mode.
• Minimum cool setpoint and maximum heat setpoint can be adjusted, default minimum
cool setpoint is 50°F, maximum heat setpoint is 90°F. Heat setpoint range: 40°F-90°F;
Cool setpoint range: 50°F-99°F.
• While configuring the temperature range make sure that the unoccupied heat <= standby
heat <= occupied heat < occupied cool <= standby cool<= unoccupied cool.
• Occupied cool setpoint should be at least a deadband value bigger than occupied heat
Occupancy sensor behavior
• The occupancy sensor only affects the effective occupancy when the scheduled
occupancy state is Occupied:
• When occupancy sensor state is occupied, the effective occupancy will act as occupied.
• When occupancy sensor state is unoccupied, the effective occupancy will change to
• When the scheduled occupancy state is unoccupied or standby, the effective occupancy
will follow scheduled occupancy state, will ignore the occupancy sensor's value.
Changing the system mode
To change the system mode
1. On the Home screen, tap mode icon, for example
The Mode screen appears.
2. Select a mode and tap the back arrow button.
The mode is changed.
Changing the system mode
Figure 88 System mode