GE Appliances Website
Have a quesdon or need assistance _dth your
tile GE
Websit e 24 hours
a day,
any (Llyof the year! For greater convenience and tipster service, you can now download Owner's Manuals,
order parts, catalogs, or even sche&lle selMce on-line. You (an also "Ask Our Team of Experts ......
your questions, and so nalch more...
Expert GE repair ser:4(e is only one step away fiom your door Get on-line and schedule your, ser:4(e at
your (om enien( e 24 hours any,dav, of the year, Or call 800-( _E-CARES 800-4:_2-2"
....... /a 1) during nomlal
business hours.
RealLifeDesign Studio
GE supports the U niversal Design concept-products,
se:Yices and environments
that can be used by
people of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to design tbr a xdde range ofphysi( al and
mental abilities and impairment s. For details of GE's Universal Design applications, inchlding kitchen
design ideas tor people xdth disabilities, check out our Website rod W. For the hearing impaired, please (;all
800-TD D-GIL_k C (800-833-4322).
Purchase a GE extended warranty and learn about spe( ial dis( ounts that are available while your warranty
is still in effect. You can purchase it on-line anytime, or call 800-626-2224 during normal business hours.
GE Consumer Home Ser_4(es x_411 still be there after your warranty expires.
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances (an have parts or a( ( essories sent directly to their homes
(VISA, MasterCard and Dis(ox er (mds are a((epted).
Order on-line today 24 hours exery day or by phone at
800-626-2002 during nomlal business hours.
Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be peffonned by any user. Other servicing generally
should he referred to qualified service pemonnel. Caution must he exercised, since hnpreper servicing may cause
unsafe operation.
If you me not satisfied with tile selx4ce you receive ffonl (;E, contact us on our Website _dth all tile details
in( hlding your phone number, orwriteto:
Customer Relations
GE Appliances, Applian( e Park
Louisville, KY 40225
RegisterYour A pplbnce
ReDster your new appfiance on-llne--at your convenience.
Timely product reg4stration will allow fi)r
enhanced conmnmication
and prompt sevxd(e under tlle ten-ns of your warranty, sh(mld tile need arise.
You may also mail in tile pre-printed
(ard in(luded in tile pa(king material, or deta( h and
use tile fornl in this ()wner's Manual.
Printed in flTeUnited States