hit counter script
Table of Contents


Opening printing preferences
Type: This option allows you to set the type of paper to be loaded in the tray.
This will let you get the best quality printout. If not, the desired print quality
may not be achieved.
Speical Page: This option is allows you to make special pages such as
covers. You can add, delete or update the special page settings to the list.
This option is available only when you use the PCL printer driver.
Transparency Separator: Allows you to insert a blank or printed separator
sheet between transparencies. This option is available only when you select
Transparency for the Type.
Graphics tab
Use the Graphic tab options to adjust the print quality for your specific printing
The higher the setting, the sharper the clarity of printed characters and graphics.
The higher setting also may increase the time it takes to print a document.
Select Clear Text to print text darker than on a normal document.
Check All Text Black to print in solid black, regardless of the color it appears on
the screen.
Graphic Controller
It allows user to emphasize edges of texts and fine lines for improving
readability and align each color channel registration in color printing mode.
3. Printing


Table of Contents

Table of Contents