1. Before you change any switch settings or move any jumpers, turn off the
2. Any system-board switch or jumper blocks that are not shown in the
3. If there is a clear protective sticker on the top of the switch blocks, you must
System-board LEDs
This section contains information regarding the system board LEDs.
The following illustration shows the LEDs on the system board.
RTMM heartbeat LED
Figure 17. LED location on system board
Note: When you disconnect the power source from the server, you lose the ability
to view the LEDs because the LEDs are not lit when the power source is removed.
Before you disconnect the power source, make a note of which LEDs are lit,
including the LEDs that are lit on the operation information panel and LEDs inside
the server on the system board.
System x3100 M5 Type 5457: Installation and Service Guide
server; then, disconnect all power cords and external cables. Review the
information in "Safety" on page vii, "Installation guidelines" on page 35,
"Handling static-sensitive devices" on page 37, and "Turning off the server" on
page 26.
illustrations in this document are reserved.
remove and discard it to access the switches.
IMM heartbeat LED
Power error LED
PCI slot 4 error LED
PCI slot 3 error LED
PCI slot 2 error LED
PCI slot 1 error LED
Battery error LED
Fan 2 connector
error LED
Fan 1 connector
error LED
error LED
Standby power LED
System board
error LED
DIMM 4-1error LEDs