Nokia Customer Care
Extreme voltages
Lithium-Ion battery BL-4C (1 cell):
• Nominal voltage is 3.7V
• Lower extreme voltage is 2.8V (cut off voltage)
• Higher extreme voltage is 4.2V (charging high limit voltage)
RF description
The BC02 solution is used for Bluetooth. The ASIC and components are placed on the bottom side of the 1FSA
system module, underneath the shield can with UPP_WD2.
The RF module of RM-25 has 2 SAW filters, a capacitor on the 1FSA system module, and an antenna module.
The main ASIC of RF is Helgo 85G, and power amplifier is RFMD RF9250, a so called microPA. RM-25 does not
support EDGE, even though the RF module itself has the capacity for it.
For more information, see
Page 9–16
Introduction to RF Troubleshooting (Page
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System module
9235618 (Issue 2)