You can connect devices to the USB port while the router is operating normally.
The USB port is labeled with universal USB icon.
Depending on the USB devices you connect to these ports, you might require a USB extension cable to connect
devices to these ports.
To prevent connected USB devices from being stolen or accidentally removed, secure any connected USB device
with a locking mechanism designed for this purpose.
Related Information
For detailed information about these ports, including supported USB standards and power output, see
Description, page
Figure 5
USB Port
USB port
Connecting the Alarm Port
The alarm port provides data about fatal or severe errors that can cause the system software to crash.
The alarm port is connected to a normally closed solid state relay. Cisco CG-OS writes to a hardware port and the relay
contact opens. If the system enters into a ROM monitor (ROMmon) or watchdog reset state, the relay contacts close. The
closing contacts alert the alarm annunciator or monitor that a Cisco CG-OS crash has occurred.
If interfaces fail or other non-fatal errors occur, the alarm port does not respond. Continue to use SNMP to manage these
types of errors.
You can connect this port while the router is operating normally.
Router Hardware