8. Click Apply. If prompted, insert your Windows Setup CD-ROM.
9. Click OK to restart the PC.
Install or configure Remote Access Service (NT only)
Make sure that you install and set up Remote Access Service according to your
intended configuration. You only need to install Remote Access Service if you are
using Windows NT. You are going to add and configure the modems needed for
your configuration even if you are not installing Remote Access Service.
v You must have your Windows NT Setup CD-ROM available.
v You will need to install Remote Access Service before installing Windows NT
To install or configure Remote Access Service:
iSeries: iSeries Access for Windows Operations Console
service pack.
1. Open the Network folder by doing the following:
__ a. Click Start and select Settings.
__ b. Click Control Panel.
__ c. Double-click Network.
2. Click the Services tab.
3. Do one of the following:
v If Remote Access Service is listed, do the following:
a. Select Remote Access Service; then, click Properties.
b. Continue with step 4.
v If Remote Access Service is not listed, follow these instructions to install:
a. Put the Windows NT CD into the optical device drive (for example, a
CD-ROM drive), unless installing from a network drive.
b. Click Add.
c. Select Remote Access Service and click OK.
d. Set the path the Windows NT files will be read from, then click
Continue. When the necessary files have been copied, the Add RAS
Device window should appear. Read step 4, then, continue with step 5b.
4. Using Table 1, identify the correct modems that you need to add in Remote
Access Service for your Operations Console configuration.
Important: You may have to add more than one modem in Remote Access
Service to satisfy your intended configuration.
Under certain circumstances, such as when installing Windows NT and
Remote Access Service, you may have had to install a nonexistent modem. If
so, any modem you intend to use with Operations Console may not show up
in the Add RAS Device window even though it was previously installed. In
these cases, you will need to Remove the previously installed modem from
Remote Access Service, and later from the Modems folder, since it may be on
the same COM port. In this way, the intended modem is made available to be
selected. Remote Access Service does not allow more than one modem for the
same COM port.
Table 1. Modems for Operations Console configurations for Windows NT
Desired configuration
Local console directly attached to the server
Necessary modems
AS400 Operations Console connection¹