Chapter 7
Displaying SSL Configuration Information and Statistics
Table 7-12
Table 7-12 Field Descriptions for the show ssl flows Command
SSL Acceleration Flows
for Slot
TCP Proxy Flows
Active SSL Flows
SSL Flows in Handshake The current number of Active SSL Flows that are in
describes the fields in the show ssl flows output.
The slot number of the SSL module for which flows
are displayed. Valid slots are 2 (CSS 11501), 2 and 3
(CSS 11503), or 2 to 6 (CSS 11506).
Virtual address of the ssl-server.
Virtual TCP port of the ssl-server.
Number of TCP connections that are currently being
proxied through the SSL virtual IP address. These
connections could either be in:
The TCP handshake or teardown phase and,
therefore, not carrying any SSL traffic
The Established TCP phase and carrying SSL
Current number of TCP Proxy Flows that are
carrying active SSL connections. These flows are the
Established TCP connections in which an SSL
Client Hello message has been received by the CSS.
The SSL flows remain in this active state until the
teardown process is initiated, either by sending or
receiving an SSL Alert message. The Active SSL
Flows number is a subset of the TCP Proxy Flows
the handshake phase of the SSL protocol but are not
yet sending data. This means that an SSL Client
Hello message has been received by the CSS but the
final finished message still has not been sent. The
SSL Flows in Handshake number is a subset of the
Active SSL Flows column.
Cisco Content Services Switch SSL Configuration Guide
Showing SSL Flows