Importing or Exporting Certificates and Private Keys
Transferring Certificates and Private Keys to the CSS
Cisco Content Services Switch SSL Configuration Guide
To facilitate the import or export of certificates and private keys from or to the
CSS, use the copy ssl command. The CSS stores all imported files in a secure
location on the CSS. This command is available only in SuperUser mode.
The syntax for this command is:
copy ssl [protocol] ftp_record [import filename [format] "password"
{"passphrase"}|export filename2 "password"]
The variables are:
protocol - The type of protocol used to transfer the certificate and private key
file. The valid entries are sftp or ftp. Cisco Systems recommends the SFTP
protocol for the transport mechanism because it provides the most security.
ftp_record - The name of the previously-created FTP record containing the
remote host information.
import - Imports the file from the remote server.
filename - The name of the file you want to import from the server. Include
the full path to the file. You can enter a maximum of 128 characters.
format - The file format of the certificate to be imported. Once the certificate
file is converted to PEM format and DES encoded, it is stored on the CSS
SCM in a special (and secure) directory. The valid import file formats are:
DER - Binary format encoding of the certificate file in ASN.1 using the
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER-encoded X509 certificate). For
example, an imported certificate from a Microsoft Windows NT IIS 4.0
PEM - Privacy Enhanced Mail, a base64 encoding of the certificate file
(PEM-encoded X509 certificate). For example, an imported certificate
from an Apache/SSL UNIX server.
PKCS12 - Standard from RSA Data Security, Inc. for storing certificates
and private keys. For example, an imported certificate from a Microsoft
Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 server.
Chapter 3
Configuring SSL Certificates and Keys