Diagnostic error codes
Note: In the following error codes, if XXX is 000, 195, or 197 do not replace a
Error Code/Symptom
001-XXX-000 (Failed core tests)
001-XXX-001 (Failed core tests)
001-250-000 (Failed System Board ECC)
001-250-001 (Failed Processor Board ECC)
005-XXX-000 (Failed Video test)
011-XXX-000 (Failed COM1 Serial Port test) 1. Check loopback plug connected to externalized serial port
011-XXX-001 (Failed COM2 Serial Port test) 1. Check loopback plug connected to externalized serial port
014-XXX-000 (Failed Parallel Port test)
015-XXX-001 (USB interface not found,
board damaged)
015-XXX-198 (USB device connected during
USB test)
020-XXX-000 (Failed PCI Interface test)
030-XXX-000 (Failed Internal SCSI interface
035-XXX-S99 (Failed RAID test on PCI slot
S, check System Error Log before replacing
a FRU)
035-XXX-SNN (Check System Error Log
before replacing a FRU, NN = SCSI ID of
failing fixed disk)
FRU. The description for these error codes are:
The test passed.
The Esc key was pressed to abort the test.
This is a warning error and may not indicate a hardware failure.
For all error codes, replace/follow the FRU/Action indicated.
1. System Board
1. System Board
1. System Board
1. System Board
1. Video adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
2. Check cable from externalized port to system board. Should
connect to Serial Port A on the system board (J52).
3. System Board
2. Check cable from externalized port to system board. Should
connect to Serial Port B on the system board (J51).
3. System Board
1. System Board
1. System Board
1. Remove USB devices from USB1 and USB2.
2. System Board
1. System Board
1. System Board
1. No RAID adapters were found.
2. If adapter is installed re-check connection.
1. RAID Adapter
2. SCSI Backplane
3. Cable
1. Fixed Disk with SCSI ID NN on RAID adapter in PCI slot S.
Symptom-to-FRU index