police (percent)
Command Modes
Policy-map class configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command calculates the CIR and PIR on the basis of a percentage of the maximum amount of
bandwidth available on the interface. When a policy map is attached to the interface, the equivalent CIR
and PIR values in bits per second (bps) are calculated on the basis of the interface bandwidth and the
percent value entered with this command. The show policy-map interface command can then be used
to verify the bps rate calculated.
The calculated CIR and PIR bps rates must be in the range of 32,000 and 32,000,000,000 bps. If the rates
are outside this range, the associated policy map cannot be attached to the interface. If the interface
bandwidth changes (for example, more is added), the bps values of the CIR and the PIR are recalculated
on the basis of the revised amount of bandwidth. If the CIR and PIR percentages are changed after the
policy map is attached to the interface, the bps values of the CIR and PIR are recalculated.
This command also allows you to specify the values for the conform burst size and the peak burst size
in milliseconds. If you want bandwidth to be calculated as a percentage, the conform burst size and the
peak burst size must be specified in milliseconds (ms).
This example shows how to configure traffic policing using a CIR and a PIR based on a percentage of
bandwidth on Gigabit interface 6/2. In this example, a CIR of 20 percent and a PIR of 40 percent have
been specified. Additionally, an optional bc value and be value (300 ms and 400 ms, respectively) have
been specified.
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# policy-map policy1
Switch(config-pmap)# class-map class1
Switch(config-pmap-c)# police cir percent 20 bc 3 ms pir percent 40 be 4 ms
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap-c)# interface gigabitethernet 6/2
Switch(config-if)# service-policy output policy
Switch(config-if)# end
Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference—Release IOS XE 3.4.0SG and IOS 15.1(2)SG)
Chapter 2
This command was introduced on Catalyst 4900M and Supervisor Engine
Cisco IOS Commands for the Catalyst 4500 Series Switches
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