Chapter 2
Cisco IOS Commands for the Catalyst 4500 Series Switches
show mac-address-table notification
To display the MAC address table notification status and history, use the show mac-address-table
notification command.
Syntax Description
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show mac-address-table notification change command to display the MAC change
notification interval, the maximum number of entries allowed in the history table, the history table
contents, and whether the MAC change feature is enabled or disabled.
Use the interface keyword to display the flags for all interfaces. If the interface-id is included, only the
flags for that interface are displayed.
This example shows how to display all the MAC address notification information:
Switch# show mac-address-table notification change
MAC Notification Feature is Enabled on the switch
Interval between Notification Traps : 1 secs
Number of MAC Addresses Added : 5
Number of MAC Addresses Removed : 1
Number of Notifications sent to NMS : 3
Maximum Number of entries configured in History Table : 500
Current History Table Length : 3
MAC Notification Traps are Enabled
OL-27596 -01
show mac-address-table notification [change] [interface [interface-id]] | [mac-move] |
[threshold] | [learn-fail]
(Optional) Displays the MAC address change notification status.
(Optional) Displays MAC change information for an interfaces.
(Optional) Displays the information for a specific interface. Valid
interfaces include physical ports and port channels.
(Optional) Displays MAC move notification status.
(Optional) Displays the MAC threshold notification status.
(Optional) Displays general information of hardware MAC learning
failure notifications.
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 4500 series switch.
Support for learn-fail keyword, Supervisor Engine 6-E, and Catalyst 4900M chassis
Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference—Release IOS XE 3.4.0SG and IOS 15.1(2)SG)
show mac-address-table notification