Rules governing text search
● A blank must be inserted before and after the search concept unit, consisting of search
string and its value, in the currently selected NC program.
● The system does not search for concepts within comment text or other strings.
● The value to be output must be a numerical expression. Expressions in the form of "X1=4+5"
are not recognized.
● The system recognizes hexadecimal constants in the form of X1='HFFFF', binary constants
in the form of X1='B10010' and exponential components in the form of X1='-.5EX-4'.
● The value of a string can be output if it contains the following between string and value:
– Nothing
– Blanks
– Equality sign
The following notations are possible:
X100 Y200
Abc = SB("Y")
X100 Y 200
Abc = SB("Y")
X100 Y=200
Abc = SB("Y")
STRING functions
The following functions enable strings to be processed:
● Determine length of string
● Find a character in a string
● Extract substring from left
● Extract substring from right
● Extract substring from mid-string
● Replace substring
● Compare strings
● Insert a string in another string
● Remove a string from a string
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Programming Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-3DP40-5BA3
; The variable Abc is assigned the value 200
; The variable Abc is assigned the value 200
; The variable Abc is assigned the value 200
Programming commands
6.3 Functions