5.10 Variable parameters
DEF OFFS = (R//123.456/,,,,"My ToolTip"/TG1)
The tooltip text can also be changed during runtime via the variable
property "TT".
DEF MyVar=(R///,,,,"My ToolTip-text")
Input mode
wr0: IO field invisible, short text visible
wr1: Read (no focus possible for input)
wr2: Read and write (line appears in white)
wr3: wr1 with focus
wr4: All variable elements invisible, no focus possible
wr5: The value entered is saved immediately on every keystroke (in
contrast to wr2, where it is only saved when the field is exited or RE‐
TURN is pressed).
Default setting: wr2
Access level
Empty: Can always be written
(Page 202)
ac0...ac7: Protection levels
If the access level is not adequate, then the first line is displayed in
gray, default setting: ac7
Alignment of
al0: Left-justified
short text
al1: Right-justified
al2: Centered
Default setting: al0
Font size
fs1: Default font size (8 pt.)
fs2: Double font size
Default setting: fs1
The clearances between the lines is defined. With the default font size,
16 lines will fit into the dialog. Graphics and unit text can only be con‐
figured in the default font size.
Consequently, it is possible to check whether the values of the variable
are within the MIN and MAX limits specified.
Default setting: Determined by specified limits
li0: No check
li1: Check with respect to min.
li2: Check with respect to max.
li3: Check with respect to min. and max.
Behavior when
cb attributes specified for a variable in a variables definition take pri‐
ority over the cb default setting in the dialog definition. Multiple attrib‐
utes are separated by commas (see also Behavior when opening the
dialog (attribute CB) (Page 204)).
The CHANGE method is triggered when the screen is displayed if the
variable has a valid value at this time (e.g. through default setting or
NC/PLC variable).
MyVar.TT = "My new ToolTip"
Programming Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-3DP40-5BA3
SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens