<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! Version of system image provided
('<sup1_image_version>') does not match running version,
aborting migration ...
Action to be performed
Check the image version. The release versions of the Supervisor-4 Module kickstart and system
images provided should be the same as the existing Supervisor-1 Module kickstart and system
Unable to retrieve the chassis information. The following syslog message is displayed:
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! Chassis information retrieve failed,
aborting migration ...
Action to be performed
Use the migrate sup kickstart <supervisor4-kickstart-image> system
<supervisor4-system-image> command again.
Unable to retrieve the slot number of the supervisor module. The following syslog message is
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! Supervisor slot
information retrieve failed,
aborting migration ...
Action to be performed
Use the migrate sup kickstart <supervisor4-kickstart-image> system
<supervisor4-system-image> command again.
Unable to retrieve the slot number of the standby supervisor module. The following syslog message is
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! Standby Supervisor slot
information retrieve failed,
aborting migration ...
Action to be performed
Use the migrate sup kickstart <supervisor4-kickstart-image> system
<supervisor4-system-image> command again.
In case the migrate sup kickstart <supervisor4-kickstart-image> system <supervisor4-system-
image> command cannot read the stored Supervisor-1 Module image links, the migration process
fails. The following syslog messages are displayed:
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! Kickstart image link for
Active Supervisor-1 could not be found, aborting migration ...
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> Please set the boot parameters using
'boot kickstart <kickstart_image>' and 'boot system <system_image>'
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! System image link for
Active Supervisor-1 could not be found, aborting migration ...
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> Please set the boot parameters using
'boot kickstart <kickstart_image>' and 'boot system <system_image>'
Action to be performed
Set the Supervisor-1 Module image links using the boot kickstart <kickstart_image>
command and the boot system <system_image> command before re-inserting the standby
Supervisor-4 Module.
The Supervisor-4 Module is already present in the standby slot before initiating the migration
procedure. The following syslog message is displayed:
<Tue Apr 30 10:02:47 2019> ERROR!!! Supervisor-4 is already
inserted in standby slot <slot_number> before starting migration.
Please remove Standby supervisor and start single
Supervisor migration, aborting migration ...
Chapter 3. Installing the IBM c-type SAN Device 105