Chapter 20
Checking Status and Connectivity
Succesfully enabled CC for level 4 for vlan(s) 100.
Console> (enable)
Configuring Ethernet CFM traceroute Protocol Parameters
To enable or disable caching of Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) data entered using
traceroute messages, perform this task in priviliged mode:
Step 1
Enable or disable caching of
Ethernet CFM data.
Step 2
Set the size of the traceroute
database. The size varies from 1 to
4095 entries.
Step 3
Configure the time for retaining
the entry in the traceroute
database. This time varies from 1
to 2880 minutes.
This example shows how to enable the caching of the Ethernet CFM data:
Console> (enable) set ethernet-cfm traceroute-database enable
Ethernet TRDB Cache enabled
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the hold time to 300 in the traceroute database:
Console> (enable) set ethernet-cfm traceroute-database hold-time 300
Ethernet TRDB hold-time is set to 300 minutes
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the size of the traceroute database to 300:
Console> (enable) set ethernet-cfm traceroute-database size 300
Ethernet TRDB size is set to 300.
Console> (enable)
Configuring a System CAM Entry
To configure a system CAM entry for a specified module, port number, and a specific VLAN or VLANs,
perform this task in priviledged mode:
Configure a system CAM entry for a specified
module, port number, and VLAN.
This example shows how to configure a system CAM entry for module 6, port 2, and VLAN 10:
Console>(enable) set ethernet-cfm port-mac-enable 6/2 vlan 10
CAM table updated with entries for port(s) 6/2 vlan(s) 10
Configuring Metro Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management
set ethernet-cfm traceroute-database [enable | disable]
set ethernet-cfm traceroute-database size size
set ethernet-cfm traceroute-database hold-time hold_time
set ethernet-cfm port-mac-enable mNo/pNo
vlan vlans
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide—Release 8.7