Chapter 28
Working with Configuration Files
If you choose to create the profile files by editing a system-generated configuration file, most of the
required notations will already be in the file. The keywords that are currently supported are
file using the output that results from entering the copy config all command as a template because the
output includes default configuration information, which increases the size and processing time of the
To designate the system profile file that you want to use, perform this task in privileged mode:
Step 1
Designate the device and name of
the profile filename that you want
to use.
Step 2
Enable or disable the system
profile files on the specified
This example shows how to designate the device name and the profile filename:
Console> (enable) set system profile bootflash:test.cfg
System is set to be configured with profile file bootflash:test.cfg.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to disable the system profile loading on a specified module:
Console> (enable) set system profile disable 2
System profile loading is disabled for module 2.
Console> (enable)
This example shows a sample lockdown profile file. You can use an exact copy of this file if you want
to use what would be considered a typical lockdown profile file as your default configuration. You can
also change the file and use the altered version of the file if the parameters of this lockdown profile file
does not meet your needs.
# ***** DEFAULT PROFILE *****
# Lockdown Profile version 1.0.3 #
# set system prompt (edit as needed)
set prompt locked_down>
# system attributes to be customized (edit as needed)
set system name locked_down
set system contact locked_down
set system location locked_down
# set a strong banner (edit as needed)
set banner motd ^
Access to this device or the attached networks is prohibited
without express permission from the network administrator.
Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of both civil
and criminal law.
set system profile device:filename
set system profile {enable | disable} mod_list
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide—Release 8.7
Working with Profile Files