switchport backup interface
switchport backup interface
To use this command, the switch must be running the LAN Base image.
Use the switchport backup interface interface configuration command on a Layer 2 interface to
configure Flex Links, a pair of interfaces that provide backup to each other. Use the no form of this
command to remove the Flex Links configuration.
Syntax Description
primary vlan vlan-id
delay delay-time
prefer vlan vlan-id
delay delay-time
The default is to have no Flex Links defined. Preemption mode is off. No preemption occurs. Preemption
delay is set to 35 seconds.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Catalyst 2960 Switch Command Reference
switchport backup interface [FastEthernet interface-id | GigabitEthernet interface-id |
Port-channel interface-id | TenGigabitEthernet interface-id ] {mmu primary vlan
interface-id | multicast fast-convergence | preemption {delay delay-time | mode} | prefer
vlan vlan-id}
no switchport backup interface [FastEthernet interface-id | GigabitEthernet interface-id |
Port-channel interface-id | TenGigabitEthernet interface-id ] {mmu primary vlan
interface-id | multicast fast-convergence | preemption {delay delay-time | mode} | prefer
vlan vlan-id}
FastEthernet IEEE 802.3 port name. Valid range is 0 to 9.
GigabitEthernet IEEE 802.3z port name. Valid range is 0 to 9.
Ethernet Channel of interface. Valid range is 0 to 48.
Ten Gigabit Ethernet port name. Valid range is 0 to 9.
Specify that the Layer 2 interface to act as a backup link to the interface
being configured. The interface can be a physical interface or port channel.
The port-channel range is 1 to 486.
MAC-address move update. Configure the MAC move update (MMU) for a
backup interface pair.
The VLAN ID of the private-VLAN primary VLAN; valid range is 1 to
Multicast Fast-convergence parameter.
Configure a preemption scheme for a backup interface pair.
(Optional) Specify a preemption delay; the valid values are 1 to 300 seconds.
Specify a preemption mode as bandwidth, forced, or off.
Specify that VLANs are carried on the backup interfaces of a Flex Link pair.
VLAN ID range is 1 to 4,094.
(Optional) Specify that no preemption occurs from backup to active.
(Optional) Specify a preemption delay; the valid values are 1 to 300 seconds.
Chapter 2 Catalyst 2960 Switch Cisco IOS Commands