7.495 and 7.505kg
4. Remove another 15 lbs. or 5kg from the platter and center the remaining weight. Verify the remote display reads:
5.0 lbs
5. Remove all the weight from the platter and verify the display reads:
0.00 lbs
Return to Zero Test
Ensure there is no load on the scale platter and verify the remote display reads:
0.00 lbs
Security Seal Installation
The security seal may be installed only if there were no errors during the scale calibration verification tests.
Note: The certification of the weighing mechanism of the scale is subject to federal, state and local Weights and Measures
statutes and regulations and can only be performed by authorized government agencies and/or their duly registered
agents. Every time the scale or weighing mechanism is calibrated, it should be properly sealed with a paper seal or a wire
seal prior to being placed into service in commerce. It is the responsibility of the owner of the scale to confirm compliance
with the relevant Weights and Measures statutes and regulations applicable in your area by checking with the appropriate
government agency before placing a newly calibrated unit into service or removing any official seals. The type of seal to
be used depends on the guidelines specified by the local Weights and Measures authorities.
Pressure Sensitive Security Seal
1. Temporarily remove the platter and set aside.
2. Apply the adhesive calibration security seal from your local Weights and Measures department over the calibration
button access hole.
3. With very light pressure, push down on the seal label to adhere it to the opening.
4. Replace the security plate and hex bolt.
5. Reinstall the platter.
Wire Security Seal
1. Temporarily remove the platter and set aside.
2. Replace the wire seal security plate and bolt.
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