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Siemens SINUMERIK 828D Commissioning Manual page 1004

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5.10 Variable parameters
Online help file (Page 58)
I/O field with integrated unit se‐
Variable: Changing properties
The variables are assigned a new value in the notation
change is made. The expression to the right of the equality sign is evaluated and assigned to
the variable or variable property.
Identifier.ac = Access level
Identifier.al = Text alignment
Identifier.bc = Background color of the input/output field
Identifier.bc_gt = Background color of the graphic text
Identifier.bc_st = Background color of the short text
Identifier.bc_ut = Background color of the unit text
Identifier.do = Display option
Identifier.dt = Display mode
Identifier.fc = Foreground color of the input/output field
Identifier.fc_gt = Foreground color of the graphic text
Identifier.fc_st = Foreground color of the short text
Identifier.fc_ut = Foreground color of the unit text
Identifier.fs = Font size
Identifier.gt = Graphic text
Identifier.hlp = Help display
Identifier.li = Limit
Identifier.lt = Long text
Identifier.max = MAX limits
Identifier.min = MIN limits
The name of the online help file appears in double quotation marks.
You can use the input/output fields with integrated unit selection to toggle between differ‐
ent units. If the cursor is moved to the input field, the integrated unit selection is highlighted
(focus does not have to be explicitly placed on it). A tooltip with a toggle symbol is also
displayed with the appropriate reference to this functionality.
DEF VarEdit=(R////////200,,100///"VarTgl")
DEF VarEdit_2={TYP="R", VAL=1.234, X=200, W=100,
VARTgl_2={TYP="S", TGL="* 0=""mm"", 1=""inch""",WR=2, X=302,
Identifier.Property = Value when a
(ac: access level)
(al: alignment)
(bc: back color)
(bc: back color)
(gt: graphic text)
(bc: back color)
(st: short text)
(bc: back color)
(ut: unit text)
(do: display option)
(dt: display type)
(fc: front color)
(fc: front color)
(gt: graphic text)
(fc: front color)
(st: short text)
(fc: front color)
(ut: unit text)
(fs: font size)
(gt: graphic text)
(hlp: help)
(li: limit)
(lt: long text)
(max: maximum)
(min: minimum)
SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens
Programming Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-3DP40-5BA3

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