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Huawei SmartAX MA5612 Maintenance Manual page 21

Multi-service access module
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SmartAX MA5612 Multi-service Access Module
Maintenance Guide
If the batteries are not used for a long period, they go into the floating charging state. Therefore, discharge and
charge them periodically to ensure good battery performance.
Issue 01 (2012-07-25)
– The joints between the batteries are firm and free of corrosion.
– The spacing between the batteries is at least 10 mm.
– The battery terminals are not bent or damaged. Damaged terminals cause high contact
resistance or cracks in the battery shell.
– The operating temperature of the batteries ranges from -20°C to 50°C.
– When the mains supply is cut off, the cabinet switches to battery power and the power
supply is proper.
Check the performance of the batteries.
Discharge and charge the batteries manually.
Connect a special discharge and charge instrument to the batteries.
Pay attention to the following points when discharging and charging the batteries:
l The special discharge and charge instrument is used to discharge and charge the batteries. If
such a instrument is unavailable, use a simple power supply or the system power supply at the
central office. Ensure that the discharge and charge parameters are properly set when the batteries
are being discharged and charged.
l Qualified personnel monitor the discharge and charge process to prevent exceptions.
l Keep the battery terminals clear of clutter before connection to reduce contact resistance and to
prevent high voltage drops during connection.
l To avoid electrical shorts, keep all tools insulated during connection.
l The anode and cathode of the batteries are placed properly.
l When the batteries are being discharged or charged, all cables are connected properly and tightly.
Otherwise, a closed circuit may catch fire or overheat. In severe cases, the batteries may be
damaged and accidents may occur.
l The charging voltage is less than or equal to the maximum voltage limit of the charged device.
If there are multiple batteries, charge each one multiple times.
l Overcharging the batteries will reduce their life cycle. When the constant voltage is 2.35V/cell
and the limited current circuit is 0.15C
Set the discharge and charge parameters properly when the batteries are being
discharged and charged.
Perform an automatic discharge test.
Run the display power run info command in Power4830, SMU, LiBATTERY mode
to query the operating information about the power supply. Ensure that the discharge
test can be performed on the batteries.
The automatic discharge test fails in the following cases:
– There is no battery.
– There is no rectifier module.
– The batteries are in manual control mode.
– The battery charge mode is not automatic mode.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2 Field Maintenance Guide
(A), the charging duration lasts 24 hours at most.

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