Properties of the Modbus RTU Slave
Client-server protocol
All clients have a unique address in the range from 1 to 247.
Packets with the address = 0 are forwarded to all clients (broadcast).
The individual data bytes in the messages are transmitted asynchronously with 11 bits:
1 start bit,
8 data bits,
1 parity bit and 1 stop bit or
No parity bit and 2 stop bits
Single messages are separated by bus silent intervals of at least 3.5 character times and end with a CRC
code for error detection.
RS485 is used as interface.
The Modbus RTU message has a maximum size of 256 bytes:
1 byte server address
253 bytes for data
2 bytes for CRC
The following parameters can be set for the Modbus RTU bus protocol:
Table 2-3
Device address
Baud rate
Access rights
Communication supervision time
Numbering of Modbus Registers Modbus Specifications
Generally, we have to differentiate between the following elements in Modbus:
the register number
the register address in Modbus messages
SICAM Q100, 7KG95xx, System Manual
E50417-C1040-C522-A8, Edition 09.2020
Modbus RTU Settings
Default Setting
19 200 bit/s
600 * 100 ms
Setting Range
1 to 247
1200 bit/s, 2400 bit/s
4800 bit/s, 9600 bit/s
19 200 bit/s, 38 400 bit/s
57 600 bit/s, 115 200 bit/s
no/1 stop bit
no/2 stop bits
Read only
0 s = none
100 ms to 6 553 400 ms
2.2 Modbus