2.2 Modbus
Register 14001 to 14378:
Register 15001 to 15378:
Register 23001 to 27608:
Registers 30001 to 30032: Measured values for the Wind Farm mode (read only)
See the following note:
For the access to measured values, the measured values read with a telegram must be exclusively in this ran-
ge. The addressed address range in a requesting telegram must not exceed the register range or fall below
this range.
If the average values of the harmonics of the voltage at the phases a, b, and c must be read, 3 requesting te-
legrams must be sent. Each of these telegrams contains the register range entered for these values (or a part
of it) for phases a, b, and c.
In SICAM PQS, the user must define different corresponding requesting groups for this, for example:
Figure 2-5
Harmonic power - reactive power value (read only)
Harmonic power - apparent power value (read only)
Energy profile (read only)
Settings in SICAM PQS
SICAM Q100, 7KG95xx, System Manual
E50417-C1040-C522-A8, Edition 09.2020