Chapter 52
Configuring System Message Logging
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
The switch sends messages according to the specified facility types and severity levels. The local1
keyword specifies the UNIX logging facility used. The messages from the switch are generated by user
processes. The debug keyword specifies the severity level of the condition being logged. You can set
UNIX systems to receive all messages from the switch.
Step 2
Create the log file by entering these commands at the UNIX shell prompt:
$ touch /var/log/myfile.log
$ chmod 666 /var/log/myfile.log
Make sure the system message logging daemon reads the new changes by entering this command:
Step 3
$ kill -HUP ~cat /etc/
To configure system message logging server IPv4 addresses, follow these steps:
Step 1
switch# config t
Step 2
switch(config)# logging server
switch(config)# logging server facility local1
switch(config)# no logging server
To configure system message logging server IPv6 addresses, follow these steps:
Step 1
switch# config t
Step 2
switch(config)# logging server
switch(config)# logging server
2001::0db8:800:200c:417a facility
switch(config)# no logging server
Outgoing System Message Logging Server Facilities
All system messages have a logging facility and a level. The logging facility can be thought of as where
and the level can be thought of as what.
The single system message logging daemon (syslogd) sends the information based on the configured
facility option. If no facility is specified, local7 is the default outgoing facility.
The internal facilities are listed in
OL-18084-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Enters configuration mode.
Configures the switch to forward log messages according
to the specified facility types and severity levels to remote
multiple servers specified by its hostname or IPv4 address
Configures the switch to forward log messages according
to the specified facility (local1) for the server IPv4 address
( The default outgoing facility is local7.
Removes the specified server ( and reverts to
factory default.
Enters configuration mode.
Configures the switch to forward log messages according
to the specified facility types and severity levels to a remote
server specified by its IPv6 address.
Configures the switch to forward log messages according
to the specified facility (local1) for the server IPv6 address.
The default outgoing facility is local7.
Removes the specified server and reverts to factory default.
Table 52-1
and the outgoing logging facilities are listed in
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
System Message Logging Configuration