Configuring FCIP
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Configuring FCIP Compression
To enable FCIP compression, follow these steps:
Step 1
switch# config terminal
Step 2
switch(config)# interface fcip 51
Step 3
switch(config-if)# ip-compression mode3
switch(config-if)# ip-compression mode3
switch(config-if)# no ip-compression
Displaying FCIP Compression Information
Example 41-15
Example 41-15 Displays Detailed FCIP Interface Compression Information, if Enabled
switch# show interface fcip 4 counters
Example 41-16 Displays the Compression Engine Statistics for the MPS-14/2 Module
HW Compression Statistics for port GigabitEthernet3/1
HW Compression Statistics for port GigabitEthernet3/2
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
Example 41-16
TCP Connection Information
IP compression statistics
208752 rxbytes, 208752 rxbytes compressed
5143584 txbytes
0 txbytes compressed, 5143584 txbytes non-compressed
1.00 tx compression ratio
show ips stats hw-comp all
Compression stats
0 input bytes,
0 output compressed bytes
0 input pkts,
0 output compressed pkts
Decompression stats
0 input compressed bytes, 0 output bytes
0 input compressed pkts,
Passthru stats
0 input bytes, 0 output bytes
0 input pkts,
0 output pkts
Miscellaneous stats
32 min input pktlen,
28 min output pktlen, 28 max output pktlen
0 len mismatch,
0 invalid result,
0 comp expanded
Compression stats
0 input bytes,
0 output compressed bytes
0 input pkts,
0 output compressed pkts
Decompression stats
0 input compressed bytes, 0 output bytes
show how to display FCIP compression information.
0 output pkts
32 max input pktlen
0 incomplete processing
0 invalid session drop
Chapter 41
Enters configuration mode.
Creates an FCIP interface (51).
Enables high compression for low
bandwidth links.
Defaults to using the auto mode.
Disables (default) the FCIP compression
OL-18084-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Configuring FCIP