The show tech-support Command
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Each command is discussed in both the Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide and the Cisco
MDS 9000 Family Command Reference. Refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Troubleshooting Guide to
obtain debug processes, procedures, and examples.
The show tech-support brief Command
Use the show tech-support brief command to obtain a quick, condensed review of your switch
configurations. This command provides a summary of the current running state of the switch (see
The show tech-support brief command is useful when collecting information about your switch for
troubleshooting purposes. The output of this command can be provided to technical support
representatives when reporting a problem.
You can save the output of this command to a file by appending > (left arrow) and the filename to the
show tech-support brief command (see the
Example 58-8 Displays the Condensed View of Switch Configurations
vegas01# show tech-support brief
Switch Name
Switch Type
Kickstart Image
System Image
IP Address/Mask
Switch WWN
No of VSANs
Configured VSANs
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
show module
show hardware
show running-config
show interface
show accounting log
show process
show process log
show processes log details
show flash
: vegas01
: DS-X9216-K9-SUP
: 1.3(2) bootflash:///m9200-ek9-kickstart-mz.
: 1.3(2) bootflash:///m9200-ek9-mz.
: 20:00:00:05:30:00:84:9e
: 9
: 1-6,4091-4093
name:VSAN0001, state:active, interop mode:default
domain id:0x6d(109), WWN:20:01:00:05:30:00:84:9f [Principal]
active-zone:VR, default-zone:deny
name:VSAN0002, state:active, interop mode:default
domain id:0x7d(125), WWN:20:02:00:05:30:00:84:9f [Principal]
active-zone:<NONE>, default-zone:deny
name:VSAN0003, state:active, interop mode:default
domain id:0xbe(190), WWN:20:03:00:05:30:00:84:9f [Principal]
active-zone:<NONE>, default-zone:deny
name:VSAN0004, state:active, interop mode:default
Chapter 58
"Saving Command Output to a File" section on page
OL-18084-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Troubleshooting Your Fabric