Default Settings
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Table 12-11
Table 12-11
Initial state when installed
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
lists the default settings for the SSM.
Default SSM Settings
Power-down state on switches with Cisco MDS SAN-OS
Release 2.1(1a) and earlier installed.
Fibre Channel switching mode on switches with Cisco MDS
SAN-OS Release 2.1(2) and NX-OS Release 4.1(1b), or later
installed and SSMs with EPLD version 2.0 (2) and later
Chapter 12
Managing Modules
OL-18084-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x