Chapter 12
Managing Modules
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Recovering an SSM After Replacing Corrupted CompactFlash Memory
As of Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.1(1a) and SAN-OS Release 2.1(2), you can use the CompactFlash
memory (modflash:) on the SSM to store the SSI image. If the modflash: on the SSM is replaced, the
SSM might not initialize. To recover the SSM, follow these steps:
Log into the switch through the console port, an SSH session, or a Telnet session.
Step 1
Display the values assigned to the SSI image boot variable for each module and note the values for later
Step 2
switch# show boot module
Module 2
ssi variable = modflash://2-1/m9000-ek9-ssi-mz.2.1.2.bin
Module 4
ssi variable = modflash://4-1/m9000-ek9-ssi-mz.2.1.2.bin
Clear the values assigned to the SSI image boot variable.
Step 3
switch# config t
switch(config)# no boot ssi
Reload the SSM to initialize in Fibre Channel switching mode.
Step 4
switch# reload module 4
reloading module 4 ...
Step 5
After the SSM initialize, follow the procedure described in the
on page
Reassign the SSI boot variables cleared in
Step 6
switch# config t
switch(config)# boot ssi modflash://2-1/m9000-ek9-ssi-mz.2.1.2.bin module 2
Considerations for Upgrading and Downgrading Cisco MDS NX-OS Releases
Consider the following when upgrading and downgrading the Cisco MDS NX-OS software on a switch
containing an SSM:
OL-18084-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Once you set the SSI image boot variable, you do not need to reset it for upgrades or downgrades to
any Cisco MDS NX-OS release that supports boot images. You can use the install all command or
Fabric Manager GUI to upgrade SSMs once it has been installed. The CLI is required for the
procedures described in the
If you downgrade to a Cisco MDS NX-OS release that does not support the SSM, you must power
down the module. The boot variables for the module are lost.
The SSM cannot be configured for both the SSI and any other third-party software on the module
such as VSFN.
The following example shows successful install all command output including an SSI image.
The SSI boot variable setting is included in the install all output. Also, if the SSI boot image is
located on bootflash: the install all command copies the SSI boot image to the modflash: on the
"Upgrading the SSI Boot Image" section on page
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
Managing SSMs and Supervisor Modules
"Upgrading the SSI Boot Image" section