Chapter 22
Show Commands
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
show running-config
To display the running configuration file, use the show running-config command
On a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem and on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM
BladeCenter, the syntax differs as follows:
interface {bay port | ext port}
Syntax Description
fc slot/port
bay port | ext port
fc-tunnel tunnel-id
fcip fcip-number
iscsi slot/port
mgmt 0
vsan vsan-id
Command Modes
EXEC mode.
Command History
OL-18089-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
show running-config [diff | interface [cpp | fc | fc slot/port | fc-tunnel tunnel-id | fcip fcip-number
| gigabitethernet slot/port | iscsi slot/port | mgmt 0 | port-channel | svc | vsan vsan-id] |vsan
vsan-id ]
Displays the difference between the running and startup configurations.
Displays running configuration information for a range of interfaces.
Displays the virtualization interface.
(Optional) Specifies a Fibre Channel interface on a Cisco MDS 9000
Family Switch.
(Optional) Specifies a Fibre Channel interface on a Cisco MDS 9124 Fabric
Switch, a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem, and a Cisco
Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter.
Displays description of the specified FC tunnel from 1 to 4095.
Displays the description of the specified FCIP interface from 1 to 255.
Displays the description of the Gigabit Ethernet interface in the specified
slot and port.
Displays the description of the iSCSI interface in the specified slot and port.
Displays the description of the management interface.
Displays the description of the PortChannel interface.
Displays the inband interface details.
Displays the virtualization interface specific to the CSM module.
Displays VSAN-specific information. The ID ranges from 1 to 4093.
This command was introduced.
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
show running-config