STEP 7-Micro/WIN SMART opens the PID control panel if the connected CPU is in RUN
The PID control panel includes the following fields:
● Current values: The values of the SP (Setpoint), PV (Process Variable), OUT (Output),
Sample Time, Gain, Integral time, and Derivative time are displayed. The SP, PV, OUT
are shown in green, red, and blue, respectively; the same color legend is used to plot the
PV, SP, and OUT values.
● Graphical display: The graphical display shows color-coded plots of the PV, SP, and
Output as a function of time. The PV and SP share the same vertical scale which is
located at the left hand side of the graph while the vertical scale for the output is located
on the right hand side of the graph.
● Tuning Parameters: At the bottom left-hand side of the screen are the Tuning Parameters
(Minutes). Here, the Gain, Integral Time, and Derivative Time values are displayed. You
click in the "Calculated" column to modify any one of the three sources for these values.
● "Update CPU" button: You can use the" Update CPU" button to transfer the displayed
Gain, Integral Time, and Derivative Time values to the CPU for the PID loop that is being
monitored. You can use the "Start" button to initiate an auto-tuning sequence. Once an
auto-tuning sequence has started, the "Start" button becomes a "Stop" button.
S7-200 SMART
System Manual, V2.3, 07/2017, A5E03822230-AF
PID loops and tuning
11.7 PID Tune control panel