Checking Errors and Warnings
Errors and warnings occurred in the motion system can be checked by the following methods.
Event history of the engineering tool
Module diagnostic of the engineering
Motion event history of the engineering
Monitor data (Label)
Error types are as follows.
Error type
System error
Axis/Axes group error
22.2 Checking Errors and Warnings
It can be checked by the event history window of the engineering tool.
For details, refer to the following.
GX Works3 Operating Manual
It can be checked by the module diagnostic window of the engineering tool.
For details, refer to the following.
GX Works3 Operating Manual
It can be checked by the motion event history window of the engineering tool (Motion module setting function).
For details, refer to the following.
Page 484 History Data
The detection flag of error/warning and the error code/warning code can be checked by the label of axis, axes group,
and system.
The CPU module can refer to these labels by the module label or the dedicated instruction.
Error not related to the axis or FB such as initial failure and bus failure
Axis related error which is occurred where the setting value of FB input pin is illegal or in control in the FB where the
Axis/AxesGroup pin exists