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Line Console - Cisco AJ732A - MDS 9134 Fabric Switch Command Reference Manual

Cisco mds 9000 family command reference guide - release 4.x (ol-18089-01, february 2009)
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line console

S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
line console
To configure a terminal line, use the line console command. To negate the previously issued command
or to revert to factory defaults, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
databits number
exec-timeout minutes
init-string default
set-string user-input
init-string user-input
speed speed
9600 Baud.
8 databits.
1 stopbit.
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
line console -->
databits number |
exec-timeout minutes |
modem {in | init-string | set-string user-input} |
parity {even | none | odd} |
speed speed |
stopbits {1 | 2}
line console -->
no databits number |
no exec-timeout minutes |
no modem {in | init-string {default | user-input} | set-string user-input string} |
no parity {even | none | odd} |
no speed speed |
no stopbits {1 | 2}
Specifies the number of databits per character. The range is 5 to 8.
Configure exec timeout in minutes. The range is 0 to 525,600. To disable, set
to 0 minutes.
Enables the modem mode.
Enables the COM 1 port to only connect to a modem.
Writes the default initialization string to the modem.
Sets the user-specified initilization string to its corresponding profile.
Maximum length is 80 characters.
Writes the provided initialization string to the modem.
Sets terminal parity.
Sets even parity.
Sets no parity.
Sets odd parity.
Sets the transmit and receive speeds. Valid values for Supervisor-1 modules
are between 110 and 115,200 bps (110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200). Valid values for Supervisor-2
modules are 9600, 19200, 38400, and 115200.
Sets async line stopbits.
Sets one stop bit.
Sets two stop bits.
Chapter 14
L Commands
OL-18089-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x


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