Chapter 14
L Commands
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Parity none.
Default init string.
Command Modes
Configuration mode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The line console command available in config t command mode. The line console configuration
commands are available in
When setting the speed option, be sure to specify one of the exact values.
The following example configures a line console and sets the options for that terminal line:
switch(config)# line console
switch(config-console)# databits 60
switch(config-console)# exec-timeout 60
switch(config-console)# flowcontrol software
switch(config-console)# parity even
switch(config-console)# stopbits 1
The following example disables the current modem from executing its functions:
switch# config terminal
switch(config)# line console
switch(config-console)# no modem in
The following example enables (default) the COM1 port to only connect to a modem:
switch# config terminal
switch(config)# line console
switch(config-console)# modem in
The following example Writes the provides initialization string to the modem. This is the default:
switch# config terminal
switch(config)# line console
switch(config-console)# modem init-string default
The following example assigns the user-specified initialization string to its corresponding profile:
switch# config terminal
switch(config)# line console
switch(config-console)# modem set-string user-input ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=3\015
OL-18089-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
This command was introduced.
Modified the speed option by specifying speeds for the Supervisor-1
module and Supervisor-2 module.
# config terminal
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
line console