Chapter 14
Configuring Failover
Disabling Failover
To disable failover, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# no failover
Disabling failover on an Active/Standby pair causes the active and standby state of each unit to be
maintained until you restart. For example, the standby unit remains in standby mode so that both units
do not start passing traffic. To make the standby unit active (even with failover disabled), see the
"Forcing Failover" section on page
Disabling failover on an Active/Active pair causes the failover groups to remain in the active state on
whichever unit they are currently active on, no matter which unit they are configured to prefer. The no
failover command should be entered in the system execution space.
Disabling Configuration Synchronization
Management applications may lose connectivity when upgrading the FWSM with complex
configurations. This can result in incomplete configuration files being applied to the standby FWSM.
You can disable the automatic configuration synchronization to avoid incomplete configurations being
applied to the standby FWSM. You need to disable configuration synchronization when upgrading a
software image or changing the configuration on the active FWSM to verify that the configuration files
are complete before the configuration is synchronized with the standby FWSM configuration. After you
verify that the configuration is complete, reenable configuration synchronization.
To disable configuration synchronization, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# failover suspend-config-sync
To reenable configuration synchronization, use the no form of the this command.
Restoring a Failed Unit or Failover Group
To restore a failed unit to an unfailed state, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# failover reset
To restore a failed Active/Active failover group to an unfailed state, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# failover reset group group_id
Restoring a failed unit or group to an unfailed state does not automatically make it active; restored units
or groups remain in the standby state until made active by failover (forced or natural). An exception is a
failover group configured with the preempt command. If previously active, a failover group will become
active if it is configured with the preempt command and if the unit on which it failed is its preferred unit.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and Cisco 7600 Series Router Firewall Services Module Configuration Guide using ASDM
Entering the following command in the system execution space causes all failover groups to become
hostname# failover active
Controlling and Monitoring Failover