archive copy-sw
This example shows how to copy the running image from member 6 to member 8:
Switch# archive copy-sw /destination-system 8 6
This example shows how to copy the running image from member 6 to all the other members:
Switch# archive copy-sw 6
This example shows how to copy the running image from member 5 to member 7. If the image being
copied already exists on the second member's flash memory, it can be overwritten with the copied one.
The system reloads after the image is copied:
Switch# archive copy-sw /destination-system 7 /overwrite /force-reload 5
Related Commands
archive download-sw
archive tar
archive upload-sw
Catalyst 3750 Switch Command Reference
Downloads a new image from a TFTP server to the switch.
Creates a tar file, lists the files in a tar file, or extracts the files from a tar file.
Uploads an existing image on the switch to a server.
Deletes a file or directory on the flash memory device.
Chapter 2
Catalyst 3750 Switch Cisco IOS Commands