AS-i, 454
AS-i port, 454
assigning an IP address to an online CPU, 125
block calls, 61
calling code blocks within the user program, 138
capturing the status of a code block, 34
capturing values of a DB, 644
changing the settings, 33
communication load, 74
comparing and synchronizing, 641
configuring the CPU, 114
configuring the modules, 115
copying blocks from an online CPU, 157
counters, 178
cycle time, 74
cycle time, 74
data block (DB), 61
device configuration, 109
download, 157
drag and drop between editors, 33
Ethernet port, 127
expandable inputs or outputs, 32
favorites, 29
force, 647
force operation, 648
function (FC), 140
function block (FB), 61, 140
HSC configuration, 323
initial value of an FB, 140
inserting instructions, 29
instance data block (DB), 140
linear and structured programs, 136
memory card, 99, 758
monitoring, 642, 643
network connection, 117
operating modes, 63
operation, 645
operator panel, 34
password protection, 154
Portal view, 28
priority class (OB), 66
PROFIBUS port, 449
program card, 99
Project view, 28
RD_LOC_T (read local time), 235
RD_SYS_T (read system time), 235
resetting the start values of a DB, 644
restoring the status of a code block, 34
run time meter, 237
RUN/STOP buttons, 34
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
startup processing, 65
time synchronization property (PROFINET), 132
transfer card, 99
types of code blocks, 61
unplugged modules, 38
valid FC, FB, and DB numbers, 61
WR_SYS_T (write system time), 235
STEP 7 programming
PtP example program, 565
user-defined Web pages, 508
STEP 7 web pages, 4
Stop bits, 550
STOP mode, 63, 639
enable outputs in STOP mode, 647
force operation, 648
operator panel, 34
toolbar buttons, 34
STP (stop PLC scan cycle), 222
STRG_VAL (string to value), 241
S_MOVE (string move), 240
string data overview, 240
String data type, 91
string operations overview, 253
Structured programming, 136, 138
calling blocks, 138
SUB (subtract), 187
Subnet mask, 127
Support, 3
SWAP, 200
Switching languages, user-defined Web pages, 522
time synchronization property (PROFINET), 132
System clock
RD_LOC_T (read local time), 235
RD_SYS_T (read system time), 235
WR_SYS_T (write system time), 235
System memory byte, 79
System requirements, 27
T_ADD (add time), 234
T_COMBINE (combine times), 235
T_CONV (convert time), 233
T_DIFF (time difference), 234
T_SUB (subtract timet), 234
force, 647
force operation, 648