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Creating Fragments - Siemens SIMATIC S7 System Manual

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<form method="POST">
<p><input type="hidden" name='"Alarm"' value="Tank is full" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" value='Set Tank is full' /><p>
Because the enum type defintion (Page 501) assigns "Tank is full" to the numerical value 1,
the value 1 is written to the alias "Alarm" which corresponds to the PLC tag named
"Motor1.Alarm" in data block "Data_Block_4" in the CPU.
If a tag name or data block name includes special characters, you must use additional
quotation marks or escape characters as described in the topic Handling tag names that
contain special characters (Page 505).

Creating fragments

STEP 7 converts and stores user-defined Web pages as a control DB and fragment DBs
when you click "Generate blocks" in the CPU Properties for the Web server. You can set up
specific fragments for specific pages or for sections of specific pages. You can identify these
fragments by a name and number with the "Start_Fragment" AWP command. Everything in
the page following the AWP_Start_Fragment command belongs to that fragment until
another AWP_Start_Command is issued or until end of file is reached.
<!-- AWP_Start_Fragment Name='<Name>' [Type=<Type>][ID=<id>] -->
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 11/2011, A5E02486680-05
Text string: name of fragment DB
Fragment names must begin with a letter or underscore and be comprised of
letters, numeric digits, and underscores. The fragment name is a regular
expression of the form:
"manual" or "automatic"
manual: The STEP 7 program must request this fragment and can respond
accordingly. Operation of the fragment must be controlled with STEP 7 and the
control DB variables.
automatic: The Web server processes the fragment automatically.
If you do not specify the type parameter, the default is "automatic".
Integer identification number. If you do not specify the ID parameter, the Web
server assigns a number by default. For manual fragments, set the ID to a low
number. The ID is the means by which the STEP 7 program controls a manual
104BWeb server
11.3 User-defined web pages

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This manual is also suitable for:

Simatic s7-1200

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