Chapter 13
Defining QoS for Multiple Policy Levels
Example 13-7
the router on a specific interface. In the example, the two class maps named class-default and Gold define
the criteria the router uses to classify traffic. The bottom-level child policy map named Business defines
the policing actions for traffic classified as Gold; the top-level parent policy map named All_Traffic
defines the policing actions for default traffic. The Business policy map is applied to the All_Traffic
policy, creating a two-level hierarchical input policing policy.
Example 13-7 Policing Inbound Traffic at Two Levels of Hierarchy
Router(config)# class-map class-default
Router(config-cmap)# match any
Router(config-cmap)# class-map Gold
Router(config-cmap)# match ip precedence 3
Router(config-cmap)# exit
Router(config)# policy-map Business
Router(config-pmap)# class Gold
Router(config-pmap-c)# police 20000 200 pir 40000 300 conform-action set-qos-transmit 80
exceed-action set-qos-transmit 35 violate-action drop
Router(config-pmap-c)# exit
Router(config-pmap)# policy-map All_Traffic
Router(config-pmap)# class class-default
Router(config-pmap-c)# police 6400 200 pir 12800 400 conform-action transmit exceed-action
transmit violate-action drop
Router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy Business
Attaching Hierarchical Policies to Physical and Virtual Links
To attach hierarchical policies to interfaces, subinterfaces, virtual circuits, and virtual LANs, enter the
following command:
service-policy {input | output} policy-map-name
shows how to configure a hierarchical input policing policy to police the traffic that enters
Attaches the policy map you specify.
input indicates to apply the QoS policy to inbound packets. You
must specify the input keyword for hierarchical input policing
output indicates to apply the QoS policy to outbound packets. You
must specify the output keyword for nested policies and
three-level hierarchical policies.
policy-map-name is the name of a previously configured top-level
parent policy map.
Cisco 10000 Series Router Quality of Service Configuration Guide
Configuring QoS for Multiple Queues