between PLCs, 149
Creating user-defined Web page DBs, 642
Creating user-defined Web pages, 626
Cross-reference to show usage, 200
CSM 1277 compact switch module, 982
CTD (count down), 220
C-Tick approval, 831
CTRL_HSC (control high-speed counter), 409
CTS, 674
CTU (count up), 220
CTUD (count up and down), 220
cULus approval, 830
Customer support, 3
Cycle time
configuration, 98
monitoring, 792
overview, 97
Cyclic interrupt OB, 87
Data block
capturing values, 797
global data block, 105, 176
instance data block, 105
optimized access, 177
organization blocks (OBs), 172
overview, 77, 176
READ_DBL (read from data block in load
memory), 401
resetting the start values, 797
single FB with multiple instance DBs, 176
standard access, 177
structure, 77
WRIT_DBL (write to data block in load
memory), 401
Data blocks for user-defined Web pages
importing fragments, 638
Data exchange between IO systems, 565
Data handling block (DHB), 176
Data log
data log overview, 380
data record structure, 381
DataLogClose (close data log), 389
DataLogCreate (create data log), 382
DataLogNewFile (data log in new file), 390
DataLogOpen (open data log), 385
DataLogWite (write data log), 387
example program, 396
limits to Data log size, 393
viewing Data logs, 392
Data Logs standard Web page, 623
Data transmission, initiating, 694
Data types, 110
Any (pointer), 119
arrays, 116
Bool, Byte, Word, and DWord, 111
Char (character) and string, 115
PLC data type editor, 117
Pointer (pointer), 118
pointer data type overview, 118
Real, LReal (floating-point real), 112
Struc, 117
Time, Date, TOD (time of day), DTL (date and time
long), 113
USInt, SInt, UInt, Int, UDInt, Dint (integer), 112
Variant (pointer), 120
Date data type, 113
DTL (date and time long data type), 114
SET_TIMEZONE (set time zone), 290
T_ADD (add times), 284
T_COMBINE (combine times), 285
T_CONV (convert times and extract), 283
T_DIFF (time difference), 285
T_SUB (subtract times), 284
Daylight saving time TimeTransformationRule, 289
DB (data block), (Data block)
grounding, 72
inductive loads, 74
isolation guidelines, 71
outputs, 835
wiring guidelines, 70, 72
downloading in RUN mode, 803, 811
DEC (decrement), 232
DECO (decode), 276
Defining enum types, user-defined Web pages, 635
Degree of protection, 834
DELETE (delete characters in a character string), 310
Designing a PLC system, 169, 170
DETACH (detach an OB from an interrupt even)t, 331
Device configuration, 137, 551
add modules, 141
add new device, 138
AS-i, 579
AS-i port, 579
changing a device type, 142
configuring the CPU, 142
configuring the modules, 147
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG
S7-1200 Programmable controller